It’ll be here in less than a month. It’s coming slowly but surely! No, not the Force Awakens ( I will hopefully see it after the rush!) but the New Year is almost here! The time for resolutions, examinations and fresh starts. This is partially the reason for the spike of action in January and February, which then drops in April and May. We may start off strong and then fizzle out or we may just give up on any change at all. This tension is woven throughout my life and most of the friends and family around me. The Serenity Prayer is very true as it daily asks God for the peace that comes from accepting the things we cannot change, power to change those things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. It seems in these troubled times we’re all seeking this kind of wisdom. We may have some great goals in mind as we look forward to the New Year as a kick-start.
Some of us may also notice that our lives are becoming less and less functional. Some may struggle in parenting our children (at whatever age), because as soon as we get a grip on one phase, they’ve already moved on to another. In our marriages, we may have seen the past year reveal or continue some conflict, sin or weakness that keeps us stuck. We may personally feel that there’s some deeply buried sadness gnawing at us that only seems to get louder and louder as we get older. Whatever it us for you, I want to offer some hope. The hope I want to highlight in this brief writing is this; God wants to heal you, before he wants to change your circumstances.
To some this may not seem so encouraging, but I am of the conviction that the greatest wound of all is the lie that says we are not valued or loved. We want and we fight for some outward change, but may still neglect this fundamental truth of the Gospel. If anything, Jesus wants to communicate to us this fact; YOU are loved. This is confirmed by his resurrection and ratified in his blood. As I read from a devotional this morning…
-Hebrews 13:20
Now may the God of peace—
who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—
may he equip you with all you need
for doing his will.
May he produce in you,e
through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him.
All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.
Yes, we all want some changes and we may be avoiding other changes, but imagine God’s perspective. He first wants us to know our worth, as His shepherded people, and then he actively prepares us for our ultimate destination and goal.
The word “equip” used here in Hebrews means exactly that. It’s actually the same word used in Matthew 4:2, where it says the disciples were “mending” their nets. God is mending you together and completing your wholeness, whether its for the first time or after a long lapse, if we allow him to. Embracing this calling and this love is what Christian ministry (leadership, serving, counseling, etc…) is all about. I urge you to hold on to this truth. Seek help. Don’t settle. Don’t just keep doing what you’ve already done!
Embrace inward change as the first change of 2016.