Join as Pam and I discuss the idea of emotional intimacy and the “dance of courage and love” as seen in Christ and in conversations!
The First Rule
There is a rule that precedes and is essential to maintaining intimacy in our marriage. Pam and I share our lives and a lesson on the biblical command and absolutely emotional necessity of putting “first things first” in order to create a thriving marriage.
Lockdown In Love: Essential Work!
Created during an online meeting with the Central Jersey Church of Christ, this devotional highlights the Christian foundations of marriage, Gottman’s research, and personal sharing during these troubled times. Especially now, Pam and I realize how marriage remains a crucial priority in strengthening our hands and hearts as new challenges increasingly rise.
Lockdown In Love: CONFLICT!
Pam and I discuss some Christ-centered solutions as we struggle through the “social crunching” of quarantine and offer one solution to getting resolved!
COVID Choice Points!
Moments of crisis are moments we can pivot to what is most important in lives! Enjoy this brief encouragement to remain psychologically and spiritually resilient, even in an atmosphere of fear and confinement!
Lockdown in Love #2
Join us for the second video as we discuss insights into intimacy and Rituals of Connection during challenging times!
Moments of crisis have the potential to create for us moments of relational growth and new levels of intimacy! Join in as Pam and I had the honor of teaching and sharing our lives with our brothers and sisters at the Path for a Facebook Live Marriage Seminar!
Let’s Talk II: Cherish The Differences
Respecting and cherishing the differences in male and female sexuality is one of the keys to a healthy sex life. Without this understanding, a judgmental, critical or flippant tone can make the relationship unsafe and hinder a gratifying sex life. Before you tackle any issues, accept one another’s sexual orientations.
Let’s Talk About…
Happy New Year! Listen in as Pam and I begin a series on…the topic of topics for us men, sex! It seems that so much of today’s newsfeed is about broken sexual boundaries, hidden betrayals, and misconduct. Pornography has now become normalized and marriage is now less common and more fragile than ever. Yet, Christian teaching is not about condemning the world’s negatives but honoring and redeeming God’s original intent for life. We want to be able to encourage, teach and strengthen marriages as we share our lives, the Gospel and our experiences over these 27 years. Join us and let us know what you think!